Dysmey Post Archive > Pages for 2004 > End of July 2004 Edition

End of July 2004 Edition

I'm back

I have not realized that it has been such a long time since my last posting. I have updated my Esperanto pages, but have otherwise concentrated on the work long, which I have kept of my time at my new job.


The weather has been surprisingly moderate for an Indiana summer. Only a handful of days have been hot. Indeed some days, like those last week, have been cool. And there has not been too much rain or storms.

The saying around here about corn is "knee-high on the 4th of July", but with the weather so benign the corn is up to my shoulders. It the weather keeps up like this, the farmers should be able to harvest it early.


The work progresses slowly but steadily. The main problem is the 405 errors, in which the web page asks for something that the web server decides the page isn't supposed to have. We get such errors from the Openwave browsers reading the ASP.NET command mobile control off the target server. The same error emerges with more than two forms on a given page. Again it is only on our target server that this happens: On my and my co-worker's local servers, the button control and multiform pages work OK.

I am thinking the problem is not with the browser but with the server. I will have to see if I can meet with the server people to talk about the target server.

I set up a test wireless site for the project, which is accessible by any handheld browser.

ivy tech

My schedule for fall classes at Ivy Tech is worked out, and the tuition is paid. All I need to do now is buy books and materials for the classes. And figure out where to go for my two Marion classes.

I found one does not take the four Cisco classes one at a time. One takes the first two in the fall semester, and the final two in the spring.

I have the two Cisco classes in Muncie, and an accounting and speech class in Marion. I also have an "orientation" class just before the first Cisco class.

I am looking forward to the coming semester.


Vickie is off to Washington State to meet friends in metro Seattle, meet up with Tina, and ride home with her.

As a birthday present I just bought Vickie a PC card that gives her laptop two USB ports, so she can hook up her laptop to an external hard drive and (slowly) move her stuff off the laptop.

Copyright © 2004 by Andy West. All rights reserved. Written on 31 July 2004.