Daylight Time

daylight time

Daylight savings time: It is such an annoyance. It disrupts everyone's circadian rhythms, making for a lot of lost sleep. It does not save on energy bills because people run their air conditioners longer. It makes the mornings darker, putting children going to school at greater risk.

And it angers the farmers because they rely on the rising and setting of the sun more than the clock. And yet the average jerk blames the farmers for wanting daylight savings time, when in fact it is an invention of the businessman, who want more light to play golf in the evening with their fellow businessmen.

Anyway, I switched back to standard time Saturday evening on my kitchen wall clock, my microwave clock, my bedside clock and the clock on my blood sugar tester. The clocks on my computers switch themselves over. It was nice to sleep over on Sunday and wake up at nine when a week ago it would have been ten.

last of the autumn leaves

The last of the leaves (from the tree next door) have been raked up to the streetsides. I also raked up the remaining leaves in Madre's yard from the big trees. There are smaller trees on the periphery of her yard, one of which has not even turn color yet!

frost-proof roof

The frost of Saturday morning was proof that the new insulation in the back roof is doing its job. The frost on the back roof was still there (except in front of the bathroom vent), while the top roof was bare of frost. Last year the frost would have been gone, except along the rafters, because of the heat from the bathroom and utility rooms. I expect the electric bill to drop a little this coming year.

cracked tooth

The cracked tooth my doctor discovered late last September has finally given way. I have had to buy some dental putty to cover the broken tooth until my dentist can work on it next week. I am told at the dentist's this afternoon that a patient cancelled after me, so he will have time to work on the tooth.

Madre complains that I should get that tooth looked at immediately. But the crack was not that serious. It was no pain (apart from an ache from time to time that benzocaine could handle). I was okay until the chunk fell out; and dental putty can handle the tooth until next week. Besides, I did not want to visit the dentist before the scheduled time, lest my insurance policy might not cover the visit.