XMas Season 2010, Part 2

XMas has come and gone.

It was surely a white XMas, as periodic snows covered the ground. Those snows made the roads slick; but that was okay, since I was not going anywhere.

I got Madre a Tom Clancy book (Dead or Alive), and I got my sister the editor the Daria DVD series. I got pants (to replace the ones that got ripped in the rear), a shirt, a sweater, a power drill (so that I do not have to borrow Madre's), and a copy of the book In The Land of Invented Languages. Oh, yeah, and two Olive Garden gift cards.

I got my niece the graduate student something; but since I do not know whether she made it here yet, I will not divulge what it is. My niece has already gone through the wringer, I am told, after getting rear-ended on the interstate at Fishers a few days ago. She was hurt, but not seriously; and her car, being an old model, got out of it with barely a stratch. (The car that rear-ended her, being new and plastic, was totaled.)

My sister the teacher is in Korea visiting my other niece. I got her an Amazon gift card to go with my task of feeding her four cats over the next week.