A Healing Cat

We brought Sugarpuss back to Madre's from the vets. I used my own cat carrier to transport him, as Madre does not have one. I was told that Sugarpuss was a grouchy cat during his stay, but he behaved himself during the trip back. Madre will have to medicate him for the next ten days to reduce the infection on (and possibly in) his ear.

I learned a new story last night. Madre's neighbors are arts-and-crafts types of the Lane Family variety. They are the ones who had Timmy the Friendly Duck and his two chicken pals more than a year ago. I learned last night that Madre's neighbors, not having learned a thing from the Timmy adventure, got some more chickens. This was not good. The neighbors never learned how to raise poultry properly. Also, like the Lanes père et mère, they tended to venture off to parts elsewhere and leave the chickens untended. And this time Madre was not going to feed them!

Anyway, the chickens escaped their coup, as Timmy and his two chicken pals did, and foraged through the neighborhood. They wandered into the yards on First Street, and dug up gardens. That provoked one of those residents there called the police. The punch line here is that it is illegal to raise poultry (or any other barnyard livestock) within the borders of Fairmount. So the police came over to the neighbors' house and took all the chickens away. The neighbors, ignorant of the chickens' coming and going, blamed Madre for calling the police. She did not, but whatever.

This also explains something I read about in the local newspaper some months ago. There was a failed attempt by Madre's neighbors, confirmed to me by the secretary at the local paper, to have the town council amend the local anti-livestock ordinance to allow the raising of chickens within the city limits. The town council voted it down. I am not surprised, knowing what I do now: The town council president has relatives (mother and son) living on First Street, where the chickens visited, doubtless.