Happy New Year, Folks!

It has been an interesting year.

The year started with a victory over Hollywood fascism over the Internet through the defeat of the PIPA/SOPA acts in Congress. Hollywood still cannot get its head around its defeat.

The big event where I live was the drought: Hardly any rain at all for months during the spring and summer. The corn (which looked stunted in many of the fields I drive past) and the soybeans took a hit, which means higher prices for meat, cooking oil and other derivative foods.

As for other events, I ignored the Olympics and tried to ignore the presidential campaign. That was not hard to do, since there was enough drama in our state’s senate race. They just could not let Lugar leave in his own way. They stuck the Republicans with someone who would lose no matter how much money you throw at him. And he still cannot get his head around his defeat.

Maybe I have been playing Minecraft once too often, but looking at the television of New York from the air during the late evening, it looks like one of those narrow underground caverns, with all those thousands of lights for lava.

Anyway, 2013 comes. Happy New Year, folks.