Spring Yard Work 2012

It is undeniably spring, just as it has been for the past couple of weeks. Never mind that officially spring starts on the twentieth, itself very early for the season. But then it has been a relatively warm, wet winter this year.

I have been (and will be) doing my yard work this week.

Saturday: Rake up dead grass and weeds with thatching rake. Replace landscape fabric under pebbles in old patio barbecue pit.

Sunday (St. Patrick's Day): Spread weed/feed on grass. Spread seed on areas of yard that have lots of bare soil or dead grass.

Monday: Replace mulch in front of shed.

Tuesday: Replace mulch in front of house, around the irises. Put lawn patch on spots bracketing the front step

Wednesday: Finish mulching (if not already done). Clean and sharpen blades on lawn mowers.

Thursday: None (laundry day). Check intersection corner and decide whether to reseed the corner or fill it with gravel.

Friday: AccuWeather forecasts possible rain. With any luck the grass will get water and start to grow.

Saturday: Build new hatch for crawlspace from board I got from Madre's.