End of Spring Vacation 2014

Feliĉan jarrevenon, ho kara Moniko Rejo!

On Mother's Day was pizza with Madre and my sister the ex-teacher. I presented Madre with two cards, one from me and one from the cats.

I tried to drive off a bird by throwing away the old exhaust duct from my dryer, wherein it had built a nest. That was a fail: The bird just rebuilt the nest. Now I have baby birds chirping away inside the new exhaust vent. And running the dryer does not help; the heat serves as an incubator!

The weather has been hot for the past two days, but the rain held off until I mowed my lawn.

It is even hotter inside the library. The cooling plant on campus is being refitted, and HVAC work is being done in the library itself. The resulting humidity is not good for the books, and even worse for the printer paper (it makes paper curl). Then there is the rebuilding of the elevators. It is enough noise, esp. in the lower level, yet one guy found it in him to take a nap in front of a computer there.