Bioshock > Bioshock Levels > Medical Pavilion

Medical Pavilion

to emergency access

In the Medical Pavilion you will learn these:

The hatch opens before you, revealing a poster of a beautiful smiling woman with the words, With Adam there's no reason not to be beautiful!. And that is just it: Adam repairs the body from injury and disease (although it does not prevent the latter). It also causes deformities. For these reasons the original curative function of the Pavilion changed into a cosmetic one.

As you step into the hall you will find a Vita-Chamber at the end of the hall. Atlas radios, Now you've met Andrew Ryan, the bloody king of Rapture. Now find your way to Emergency Access. Emergency Access holds the bathysphere, which may have originally been an ambulance, that will take you to Neptune's Bounty.

Yes, you will have to jump through hoops to get to that bathysphere. But you will learn more stuff along the way. And with that, let's go hunting!

pavilion foyer

The short hall with the poster takes you to the foyer of the Medical Pavilion. Posters on the walls advertise (among other things) the cosmetic services of Dr. J.S. Steinman, the prominent surgeon here. The medical services cashier's desk is clearly marked between the two stairs that lead to the entrance to the Pavilion proper. There you will find money (on the floor and on the dead cashier), a first-aid kit, an Eve hypo, and pistol rounds. There are bandages on the shelf above the desk, but they are unreachable — for now. Also on the desk is another tape from Diane McClintock.

Dr. Steinman said he'd release me today. Ryan didn't come to see me since the New Year's attack. Not once. But Dr. Steinman was very attentive. He told me that once the scar tissue was gone, he was going to fix me right up. Make me prettier than any girl I've ever seen. He's sweet all right … and so interested in my case!

What Dr. Steinman had failed to tell Ms. McClintock is that scar tissue does not go away.


From the desk you can see a functional Circus of Values vending machine. Ignore it for now. To the right of the machine is the door to Emergency Access. It is jammed by a downed security bot. This is where you get your first lesson in hacking.

Point to the bot and press the V key. The first screen has a dial that shows you how difficult the puzzle is. Click on START.

  1. Click on a tile to reveal a pipe.
  2. Drag and drop to swap pipes.
  3. Connect the pipes to let the liquid through to the exit pipe.

The hacking page goes into more detail on this.

Your new friend, whose lights glow green, will follow you everywhere. If you shoot or zap an enemy, or if an enemy shoots you, the bot will attack the enemy, spraying them with gunfire until either the target or the bot is destroyed.

emergency access, visit one

There is a thug in the room, but if you hug the wall as you go to the desk and crate, she will not notice you. Clean out the desk and crate, and listen to the tape explaining why Steinman came to Rapture:

Ryan and Adam, Adam and Ryan … all those years of study, and was I ever truly a surgeon before I met them? How we plinked away with our scalpels and toy morality. Yes, we could lop a boil here, and shave down a beak there, but … but could we really change anything? No. But Adam gives us the means to do it. And Ryan frees us from the phony ethics that held us back. Change your look, change your sex, change your race. It's yours to change, nobody else's.

Take a couple of steps towards the thug. You will hear a shout, Keep away from my patient!, starting a duel between the thug and Dr. Leadhead. Whoever wins the bot can finish off. Clean out the aggressors and the corpse they were fighting over. At the top of the stairs is the switch opening the gate to Emergency Access. Throw it, and a security alert sounds off. Atlas explains:

If you want to use the emergency access, you'll be needing Dr. Steinman's key. He's the one what runs this place. But I don't expect him to hand it to you out of the milk of human kindness. Steinman ain't that kind; and frankly, I'm not even sure he's still human.

rattling the monkey cage

The door in front of the switch opens, followed by a thug's maniacal laugh. The door leads to a hall that ends in the Pavilion's electrical control room. If you did not draw the thug's attention first, that is where she is, so whack her. Collect the machine gun off the panel, and more of its ammo from the crate. Smash the windows to let the bot fly out.

Now, throw the electrical override switch. The lights come on. The gate to the Pavilion opens. And a lot of angry aggressors pour out. Now you've rattled the monkey cage, says Atlas. Here they come.

Now what I do is fire a shot at an aggressor in the lobby to get the bot to attack outside. Then I run into the far end of the hall and get my wrench ready. You have a nice mix of thugs and leadheads. Most chase you into the hall, where you can zap and whack them. One or two you can shoot from the control room. Others you will just have to hunt.

circus of values

Clean out the dead and make your way back to the lobby. Now you can try the Circus of Values vending machine. Hack the machine for discounted prices on items that include first-aid kits, Eve hypos, and ammo for pistols, machine guns and that shotgun you haven't found yet.

Among the ammo sold by the vending machine are armor-piercing bullets, which are very effective against security machines and Big Daddies. To switch between regular and anti-armor bullets in your pistol, press the B or Q key.

the spirit in the hall

Walk up the stairs and through the door into the hall to the Pavilion. Get money and pistol rounds off the corpse just behind the gate. Those things in the niches, hanging off the walls, are destroyed first-aid stations. You will find working models in a moment.

As you approach door on the other end of the hall, you will have an plasmid hallucination: A woman banging at the door, crying, You promised me pretty, Steinman. You promised me pretty. Now look at me! LOOK AT ME!! The woman's corpse is in a niche to the left of the door; get money from her. Press the button to open the door.

the pavilion proper

The Medical Pavilion proper greets you with a really horrific shrine with headshots, clamps, and lots of gore. Some of that blood is used to write above all do no harm on the floor along with Steinman's signature. Indeed, you will find that Steinman has a habit of writing on the floors and walls in blood. Over this horrific tableau water from a busted pipe is pouring. As you enter, Atlas radios:

You keep your eye peeled for Steinman. The daft bastard has set up shop in the surgery wing. You want to find him? Just follow the blood.

That's the problem: There is a lot of blood.

There is a tape on the wall next to the shrine. Steinman talks about the responsibility that comes with his newer, higher standards:

Adam presents new problems for the professional. As your tools improve, so do your standards. There was a happy, I was happy enough to take off a wart or two, or turn a real circus freak into something you can show in the daylight. But that was then, when we took what we got, but with Adam … the flesh becomes clay. What excuse do we have not to sculpt, and sculpt, and sculpt, until the job is done?

The Medical Pavilion is the nexus to where all hospital services connect. It is a big room divided by parallel walls into four halls:

hall #1
This is where the shrine is. It is safe enough.
hall #2
This is the main hall of the pavilion. There are more details on it below.
hall #3
This has a working first-aid station. Visit the Health Station entry of the Vending page to learn how to use it.
hall #4
Here is the entrance to the glass tunnel that leads to Surgery. A first-aid station for you to hack is in front of the Surgery entrance. There are more details on it below.

hall #2

The pavilion's main hall has a gun turret. Zap it (Atlas says it will short out if you do so) and hack it to make it yours. There is another gun turret in a supply closet at the right end of hall #2; you can reach and hack it through the hole in the wall. Once the turrets are hacked, they will watch your back against the aggressors wandering around in hall #4.

At the checkout desk, guarded by the open gun turret, you will find money. You also find a tape of Ryan's opinion on parasites, comparing them with perverts. (You will learn as you progress in the game that Ryan has no business calling anyone either a pervert or a parasite.) On the wall opposite from the hole of the enclosed gun turret is another tape from Steinman:

I am beautiful, yes. Look at me, what could I do to make my features finer? With Adam and my scalpel, I have been transformed. But is there not something better? What if now it is not my skill that fails me … but my imagination?

Watch yourself when you approach this tape, for there is an aggressor hiding behind a corner nearby.

hall #4

The enclosed gun turret guards two doors at one end of the hall. One is locked from the inside; you yourself will unlock it later. The other descends into a flooded room with a Circus of Values and your first Ammo Bandito. The latter vendor is like the Circus of Values, but sells only ammo in limited amounts. Next to the Circus vendor is another tape from Andrew Ryan:

It has been brought to my attention that some citizens have discovered ways to … hack the vending machines. I should not need to remind each and every citizen of Rapture that free enterprise is the foundation upon which our society has been established. Parasites will be punished.

Notice how Ryan had to struggle to find a verb to describe cracking the vendors. In fact, most people in his day would describe breaking into the vendors in the same way as breaking into safes. The idea of hacking did not come about until the mid-1980's, when common journalists began misusing the word hacker to mean a network criminal.

At the other end of the hall is the foyer to the Eternal Flame crematorium. You will be going there later.

Surrounding the entrance to the tunnel to Surgery are stairs that descend into a lower floor. The main feature here is the ice-blocked entrance to the Dentistry wing. But there is also a Circus of Values vendor and a supply room accessible by zapping the lever. In that room is your first Automatic Hack Tool for cracking safes, security machines and vendors. You can try it on the vendor for cheap prices.

Don't forget to rig the first-aid station in front of the tunnel door.

surgery foyer

Anyway, once you make it to the glass tunnel that leads to Surgery, you hear a rant from Steinman over an overhead television screen as you approach the Surgery foyer.

With genetic modification, beauty is no longer a goal, or even a virtue. It is a moral obligation. Do we force the healthy to live with the contagious? Do we mix the criminal with the law-abiding? Then why are the plain allowed to mingle with the fair?

While you listen to Steinman, look out the glass to see another tunnel. If you're lucky, you get to see a Little Sister walking down the tunnel with a Big Daddy in tow.

As you enter the Surgery Foyer, you will first see writing in blood just inside the door: Aesthetics are a moral imperative. It seems that insanity makes for crappy grammar. You will see Dr. Steinman himself working on a patient's headshot and muttering, Why must there be two of everything? Is there is law that says there must? Two arms, two legs, two eyes, two ears, two breasts …. The moment he sees you, Steinman springs into action: No, I'm not ready!, he screams as he flees into Surgery, throwing a bomb at a hugh sign over the door. The sign now blocks off the entrance to Surgery.

Atlas notes, You'll have to find some way to get through to Surgery … and Steinman. Chin up, now. The lord hates a quitter. As he says this, a mad doctor on one balcony throws bombs over the lobby at an aggressor on the balcony opposite him. Yep, it's a nitro splicer. Atlas exclaims:

I can hear that splicer sounding off like it's the Fourth of July. Explosives are hard to come by down here; but if you get your hands on one of them telekinesis plasmids, you could catch the damn firebombs and toss it right back in his gob … or anything else that might be standing on your way.

Get the idea? Get telekinesis; catch bomb; throw at sign. No problem — if you can find the plasmid. If you remember the billboard ad for Telekinesis during your bathysphere trip, you know that Telekinesis is available from Dandy Dentures. In fact, there is a hugh sign near the surgery entrance advertising just that! But that is in the dentistry wing, whose entrance is sealed in ice. First, you need something to melt the ice; and what melts ice faster than fire. And there's plenty of that in the Eternal Flame crematorium.

eternal flame

The mad doctor walks out after dispensing with his enemy. Leave the lobby and go back through the glass tunnel. Zap and whack the two aggressors on the other end. Turn right to go to the Eternal Flame. There is a Baby Jane banging at the door for someone who screams, Leave me alone! — and punctuates it by blowing up both her and the door. The doctor is a nitro, who will do the same to you unless you spray the bugger with machine-gun fire.

In the crematorium lobby, hanging from a picture of a deceased citizen, is another Steinman tape:

When Picasso became bored of painting people, he started representing them as cubes and other abstract forms. The world called him a genius! I've spent my entire surgical career creating the same tired shapes, over and over again: The upturned nose! The cleft chin! The ample bosom!! Wouldn't it be wonderful if I could do with a knife what that old Spaniard did with a brush?

Not if you are the patient at the business end of your knife! It is evident that boredom is the root of Steinman's madness. Adam simply helped that boredom along.

Enter the crematorium very carefully. In fact, just run to the corner on the left where the stretcher is. You are rightly hiding from something awful in there. Atlas tells you what that something is: Security cameras. I can hear the infernal things all around you. Ryan's eyes and ears. Walk in front of those, and they will sic security bots on you.

Watch the red light from the camera on the floor until it moves away from you. Then you can do the following:

The room with the security camera holds the crematorium furnace. Walk around it until you find the body of a poor woman, ready to be burned. Press the furnace control switch next to the body. In she goes — FOOM! She comes out as a pile of ash, within which is a bottle. That is your first gene tonic, Hacker's Delight, which gives you healing with every successful hack.

Search the nearby table for armor-piercing bullets. There is a flight of stairs near the camera; walk on up. Shoot the aggressor walking around on the upper floor. Okay, there is a glass-enclosed room with a fallen Gatherers Garden machine inside. The door is locked, but the ventilation grill is missing, so you can crawl inside. The moment you do, Ryan makes an announcement:

A parasite wanders the halls. We rebuild our city, and the doubters send a fly to spoil our ointment. One thousand Adam to the man or woman who pins its wings.

That brings out at least three aggressors to the fray. They cannot reach you, but you are trapped inside the room. No problem: Right next to the machine is your new plasmid: Incinerate. Pick up the plasmid. The training film tells you that you can light up foes to 1000°. This is especially true of the foes outside, because they are standing in an iridescent puddle of gasoline, which extends into the room. Light up the puddle and watch your enemies because Splicer Roast. Um, um, good!

Atlas tells you how it is that the aggressors reacted to Ryan's call so quickly:

All roads in Rapture lead Ryan. The security, the splicers, the Big Daddies, the Little Sisters: He pumps some kind of chemical scent in the air — pheromones they call it — makes them all dance to his tune.

Clean out the room, and don't forget to pick up an Eve hypo behind the machine on your way out. Clean out the upper floor, including the dead aggressors, outside before you leave the crematorium.

dentistry wing

Once you outside, try out your new plasmid. Shoot flame at the chunk of ice blocking the Twilight Fields funeral home; there are a lot of goodies in there you might want. Go down the stairs on your left to the dentistry wing and melt that mount of ice out of the way. Then blast Dr. Thug just inside. In the newly-freed entrance is a tape from Bill McDonagh, the chief architect of Rapture, who is not at all happy with Dr. Steinman's neglect of maintenance:

Steinman, I know Medical Pavilion is your manor, but you might want to cogitate on this: Ocean water is colder than a witch's tit. You don't heat the pipes, the pipes freeze. Pipes freeze, pipes burst. Then Rapture leaks. Now, I realize you're a posh sort of geezer; and, frankly, I don't give a toss if you piss or go fishing. But once Rapture starts leaking, the old girl's never gonna stop. And then I'll be sure to tell Ryan he's got you to thank.

And that, folks, is why there are blocks of ice in your way.

The dentistry wing has many different suites, all but one of which is devoted to dentistry. There is a mutilated corpse on the floor with a shotgun. Leave them alone for now.

dandy dental

Dandy Dental has a foyer, a flooded work area, and a tennis court behind a glass door. Don't freak out from the turret: It only fires tennis balls, and only when you turn it on. Dandy Dental sponsors tennis matches, ostensibly to promote the dental practice, but in fact to test out the Telekinesis plasmid. A tape from one Dr. Suchong reports the impressive results of tests on the plasmid. (No, you can't catch bullets, but anything larger is fair game.)

The plasmid itself is at a Gatherers Garden machine behind the turret switch. You will have to relinquish a plasmid slot; I suggest Incinerate, as you will still need Electro-Bolt. Using Telekinesis is simple: Point to item; press down left mouse button to bring item to you; press V to drop item at your feet, or release mouse button to toss the item. The good thing about this plasmid is that it consumes no Eve unless you toss something.

Test your new plasmid on the trophies over the court or just behind the glass door. They contain money, Electric Buck for your shotgun, and an Eve hypo. As you leave the court a thug walks in to examine a corpse along the wall. Exert your mind on a gas canister next to the corpse and toss it on the thug to send him flying.

Outside Dandy Dental is a tape from Dr. Brigette Tennenbaum. You would have found another tape from her in the Medical Pavilion in hall #3 on a trunk. Both describe how she developed her love of science as a prisoner at a Nazi concentration camp, and how the Germans exploited this by putting her to work on what she found to be useless genetic experiments.


On the other end of the dentistry foyer from Dandy Dental is a flooded hallway serving two smaller dentistry practices, Painless Dental and Chompers Dental. Painless has a turret guarding the hall; shoot it out with armor-piercing bullets.

Visit the practices later. Right now you need the flooded hallway to flee to, for grabbing the shotgun in the foyer triggers an ambush by a doctor and a half-dozen nurses, all murderously crazed. Grab the gun; run to the hallway; stand on a crate; and zap the water whenever aggressors show up. Clean them out once the danger is past.

cureall clinic

Try the Cureall clinic for a real test of Telekinesis. The turret in the small office inside the foyer does not fire bullets: It launches rocket-propelled grenades! Catch the bombs and send them back to momma! If you're lucky, it will first shoot first-aid kits at you. Better yet, zap and hack the turret so that it can take care of the splicers who walk out of the clinic.

Explore the clinic itself. Clear out the aggressors and take out the security camera. You will find a safe to crack for different kinds of ammo; a tape of Dr. Suchong testing a plasmid called Enrage (resulting in that nurse embedded into a cabinet with a saw), and an air duct to a closed-off room containing a dead aggressor — and the gene tonic Wrench Jockey, for delivering deadsmack to splicers foolish enough to take you on.

Leave the Dentistry wing. There is a nitro waiting for you. Use Telekinesis to catch his grenades and feed them to him. Now you are ready to pay Dr. Steinman a visit. There may be another nitro at the top of the stairs as you make your way to the glass tunnel that leads to the Surgery Foyer.

surgery foyer again

Now you are ready for Doctor Boom-Boom. Just don't forget, when you catch his bombs, to throw them at the sign first. Then you can make him go boom.

The first room inside Surgery is grimmer than anything else you've seen so far. The results of Steinman's work are scattered throughout the room. Evidence of Steinman's insanity is revealed on a tape next to a corpse in a wheelchair:

Today I had lunch with the Goddess. Steinman, she said, I'm here to free you from the tyranny of the commonplace. I'm here to show you a new kind of beauty. I asker her, What you mean, Goddess? Symmetry, dear Steinman It's time we did something about symmetry.

hunt for steinman

The hall at the other end of the room is gated … but not for long. No, Goddess! He'll ruin everything! Get him, Goddess! Send your harpies to tear him to bits!, screams Steinman as he sics a security bot at you. Zap the bot and hack it. You will really need it. There is a turret on the far end of the hall; shoot it out, as it is unlikely Steinman will walk into its range.

Clean up the hall of goodies. You will appreciate the new Static Discharge tonic; thugs will be zapped when they hit you! In the Surgical Savings room, shoot out the security camera before it can summon trouble. It is full of goodies, as well as a tape of the moment when Steinman lose his marbles for good:

Aphrodite is walking the halls, shimmering like a scalpel. Steinman, she calls, Steinman! I have what you are looking for! Just open your eyes! And when I see her, she cuts me into a thousand beautiful pieces.

Okay, Aphrodite, asymmetry and the surgical Picasso: This is what you are dealing with! Chin up, ready your shotgun and plasmids, and let's send the fellow to the big surgical theatre in the pit. Don't forget to hack the first-aid station to make it poisonous to Steinman; he may use it.

battle with steinman

In the viewing rooms of the Aesthetic Ideals surgery, you can see Steinman working on a victim. As you approach the window, you can hear Steinman cry out as he pounds on his victim:

What can I do with this one, Aphrodite? She WON'T. STAY. STILL! I want to make them beautiful, but they always turn out wrong! That one — too fat! (A light reveals a dead patient hung cruciform from a platform.) This one — too tall! (Light on another victim, hung the same way.) This one — too symmetrical! (Still another victim.) And now … what's this, Goddess? An intruder! He is ugly! Ugly!! UGLY! UUUGLYYY!!!

At this point Steinman pulls out a machine gun and shoots out the glass. Look at you! HIDEOUS!! Oh yeah? You can't help but shoot him to get your security bot to attack him.

While your bot is doing its work, but before you join the fray, run down into the flooded lower level and hack the first-aid station. You do not want Steinman to heal himself. He is a very tight opponent. If you feel pressed for time, use your Telekinesis to grab a gas canister and throw it at him. Otherwise, just work away at him, preferably with your shotgun, until he drops or tries to use a rigged first-aid station. When he is dead, his key and a whole lot of machine-gun ammo are yours.

Atlas radios in:

You all right? It was time somebody took care of that sick bastard. Make sure you get the key off Steinman and head back to Emergency Access. I'm working my way to the back side of Port Neptune meself. We'll get there soon enough.

The victim Steinman was working on has a tape, which records an incident where Steinman continues to cut into a patient as a nurse screams for help.


Leave the surgery. There will be an aggressor attack in the hall; lure them into the water and zap them dead. Before I leave Surgery I turn off the bot. As you enter the glass tunnel back to the Pavilion, the far end buckles under, making its door inaccessible. Sounds like another tunnel collapse, Atlas muses. Welcome to Rapture: The world's fastest growing pile of junk. For some reason, it triggers a memory of you on the plane.

a little sister and you

You will need to make a detour into a side tunnel. You hear the roar of a Big Daddy fighting someone. As you approach the door to a large room, its hugh bulk smashes through the window between the room and the tunnel. It dies in flames as its Little Sister cries out. Atlas says, It's a Little One: Here's your chance to get some Adam. As you rush through the door, you witness a disturbing cutscene.

The Little Sister backs away from a thug, who gleefully gloats, It's just you, and me, and all the tasty Adam I can drink. Suddenly he is shot dead! You look up to the balcony overlooking the room to see a woman with a gun — Dr. Tennenbaum.

Tennenbaum: Stay away from her, or it will be you who will be shot next!

Atlas: Easy now, Doctor. He's just looking for a wee bit of Adam, just enough to get by.

T: I will not have him hurt my little ones!

A: It's okay, lad. That's not a child, not anymore it ain't. Dr. Tennenbaum saw to that.

T: Bitte! Do not hurt her. Have you no heart?

A: Aye, that's a pretty sermon coming from the ghoul who cooked up them creatures in the first place. Took fine little girls and turn them into that, didn't you?

A: (To you.) Listen to me, boyo: You won't survive without the Adam those … things … are carrying. Are you prepared to trade your life, the lives of my wife and child, for Tennenbaum's little Frankensteins?

T: Here! There is another way. Use this. (Tennenbaum throws you a bottle of plasmid.) Free them from their torment. I will make it to be worth your while … somehow.

That plasmid Dr. Tennenbaum gave you detaches and kills the sea slug inside the Little Sister without harming the girl. Now you have a choice to make: Harvest her (press H) or rescue her (press L). A harvest nets you 160 units of Adam; but the girl will die. (Why that is so is explained below.) If, however, you rescue her with the plasmid, you get 80 units, and the girl will live. You get praised or berated by Atlas and Tennenbaum, depending on what you do.

Let me help you in your decision with a couple of hints.

  1. Dr. Tennenbaum will make up for the lost Adam with 200 units, unique plasmids and other goodies for every three Little Sisters you save.
  2. You can't use all the plasmids and other stuff you get with 160 units: You need slots to use them; you don't have enough slots; and the one working Gatherers Garden in the Pavilion does not provide slots.

So spare the girl and be patient.

gatherer's garden

Atlas advises you to pick up a new plasmid or two if the price is right. Speaking of the Garden machine, it is at the opposite end of the room from where you dealt with the Little Sister. As you approach that end, the curtain rises to a really syrupy jingle. In front of the machine is ammunition and a tape from Steinman:

Not only are those little girls veritable Adam factories, they're nearly indestructible. They regenerate any wounded flesh with stem versions of the dead cells. But their relationship with the implanted slug is symbiotic. If you harvest the slug, the host will die. So you see, it's not like killing, Tennenbaum said. It's more like removing a terminal patient from life support.

Okay, let's see what the Garden provides:

Plasmid Cost Description
Enrage! 80 As the name says, any aggressor hit with this angry red tomato will attack anyone other than you … unless you are the only one around.
Armored Shell 20 This tonic toughens your skin, making you less vulnerable to attack.
Eve Link 20 First-aid kits also give you Eve.
Health Upgrade 80Boosts your maximum health, making you less dependent on Vita-Chambers.
Eve Upgrade 80 Boosts your maximum Eve.

It is slim pickings, admittedly. I personally choose the Armored Skin and the Eve Link. The remaining forty units I keep until after I nail my first Big Daddy.

Ah, did I mention that Gatherers Garden machines are unhackable?

fight the big daddy

Leave the lobby through the L-shaped hall, from which you open the door to the Pavilion locked from the outside. Watch out for the two aggressors waiting for you.

As you enter the Pavilion, you can hear the moan of the big guy. Atlas radios that you are now ready to take him on for the Adam the Little Sister provides. The Big Daddy is vulnerable to electricity, to armor-piercing bullets, and to your shotgun. But he is tough, and he is fast, faster than you. But he can't sidestep, so you do so when he charges after you.

Also, there are aggressors in the area. If you have chosen Enrage, you can use it to make the aggressors attack the Big Daddy, softening him up for you to finish. After you killed the Big Daddy and dealt with the Little Sister, rush back to buy more stuff from the Garden machine.

emergency access, visit two

Return to the hall that leads to the Pavilion foyer. Atlas warns you about Ryan: You got Ryan's eye now. You won't hear him coming, but he'll be there before you know it. Get your Telekinesis ready: You got a nitro (who throws you a complimentary bomb across the foyer) and maybe one other kind of aggressor waiting in the Emergency Access Room. The nitro is all over the place. Just wait for him to come to you and throw his bombs; catch them and feed them back to him.

on to port neptune!

Once he is down, go up to the emergency access control and throw the switch. The emergency is lifted as a grateful Atlas radios:

I don't know how you managed it, but you did. Come through to Port Neptune now. I'm looking forward to shaking your hand.

The gate to the bathysphere is now open. Walk in, enter the bathysphere, pull the lever, and choose Neptune's Bounty. Actually, it's your only choice.

Pavilion Byways

It is time to visit those parts of the Medical Pavilion you may have passed by in your rush to kill Steinman or the Big Daddy.

chompers dental

This is three small rooms heavily guarded with two security cameras. A couple of aggressors are hiding inside. The door is locked, and the key is hanging on a pillar opposite the broken window. Use Telekinesis to snare the key through the window. Unlock the door. Shoot the cameras with armor-piercing bullets or zap and hack them. Nail the aggressors inside. The prize of this area is the safe that one of the cameras is guarding. There are also anti-personnel bullets inside, which can take out splicers with one shot.

painless dental

You would have destroyed the gun turret in any case — unless you align the pillar inside between you and the turret, then zap and hack it. Jump on the crates and crawl through the broken window to go in. Once inside you can press the red button next to the door to open it.

This is the office of mystery. When you step inside, steam blinds you for a moment. When it lifts, you find a victim on what was an empty chair. At the far corner of the office is a bottle of Speedy Hacker gene tonic (which slows the flow of liquid in a hacking puzzle) and a tape from Dr. Suchong ragging on Dr. Tennenbaum. When you pick them up, another burst of steam blinds you. When the steam lifts — WHOA! Where did Dr. Thug come from? Smack that guy hard!!

Let's listen to what the creator of plasmids thinks of his colleague:

Tennenbaum … sometimes I pity the little freak. Such a tiny imagination. Content to sit there with her tanks of Adam, tweaking and optimizing. I need to create. Adam is a canvas of genetic modification, but plasmids are the paint.

Oh, we are so creative around here, aren't we? If it weren't for Tennenbaum, I bet you'd had to give up medicine for portraiture.

supply closet

There is a supply closet that has all sorts of goodies. It is locked from outside. You can reach it only from Painless Dental through an air duct. Inside the closet is a leadhead nurse slumped over in a chair and listening to Bing Crosby's Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams. After you send her to permanent dreamland and clean out the room, press the red button to walk out.

twilight fields

The funeral home has two sections: Outer for displaying the departed, and inner for preparing them.

The outer section has a checkout counter, a closet and two display rooms. Through a hole in the wall you can see a Baby Jane mourning before a coffin. Shoot her through the hole to send her to the sweet beyond. There is no body in the coffin: Just a music box and assorted goodies. Next to the coffin is the code (0451) to the closet with more fun stuff on the other side of the room. In the other display room a leadhead awaits in ambush, pushing over the coffin to distract you. When you finish off the aggressor, the wall behind you opens to reveal a gun turret guarding a safe.

The inner section is where the bodies are embalmed or otherwise prepared. It is heavily flooded, and a dead splicer floats to you as you enter the water. There is a crazed embalmer in the back; he flees into one of the lockers, turning off the light to distract you. The nutcase is stashing for you Security Expert, a gene tonic that makes hacking security devices easier. As you return from the back, he pops out of the lockers to attack you.