Bioshock > Provision > Vita Chambers

Vita Chambers

The Vita Chamber is advertised as the future of health and wellness, restoring vigor and spirit at the touch of a button. In fact, the Vita Chamber never really left the experimental stage, even if they are everywhere in the city.

The concept behind the Vita Chamber was explained to Dr. Suchong, but he found it hard to believe.

Sinclair and Alexander tried to explain the science to me, but Suchong does not believe them. They keep saying plasmid reconstruction this and quantum entanglement that, and then poof! Dead people come back to life. Bullshit! Of course, Ryan will only allow it to be tuned to his genetic frequencies for the testing.

If the tuning uses the same kind of genetic locks that the bathyspheres use, then any relative of Ryan can use the Vita-Chambers. Evidently Sander Cohen can: Why else would you find him alive at Fort Frolic after you killed him in his apartment?

That is good for you, O player, because you do not have to share the booths with anyone else. Of course, it brings up the issue of who your avatar really is (which is not brought up explicitly until you reach Ryan's office). But the important thing about the Vita Chambers is that, if you are killed, you will be brought back to life in one of them.

You will appear in the booth nearest the place of your demise, and with half your highest health level and some Eve. You can respawn in those booths as many times as you wish. You can even turn them off (with the version 1.1 patch).